

Sexual Harassment Reporting, a Modern Solution for CEOs

Understanding Your Work Culture

How does your company combat sexual harassment in the workplace? As CEO, what are the tools you use to get an inside look into your organization? Do you really know what your employees experience on a daily basis? Better yet, when was the last time you asked?

Corporations have tackled these questions since the Industrial Revolution, because as we’ve learned, happy employees attract good business. And, happy employees are those that feel valued by their employer and comfortable within their environment.

Yet, uncovering the truth of our work culture and holding ourselves accountable for sexual wrongdoings are as alien and controversial as ever. Think famous film producer, Harvey Weinstein, or former USA Gymnastics doctor, Larry Nassar… However, now is the time to take a stand against sexual harassment in the workplace.

Common Approaches To Sexual Harassment

In an ideal world, reporting sexual harassment is convenient, encouraged, and celebrated at every level. Unfortunately however, this isn’t the case for most U.S. organizations… yet.

Perhaps, you are actively seeking answers to these complex situations. This may appear in the form of a bubble sheet or email survey distributed annually among employees. Workers are asked to recall uncomfortable encounters from the previous year and rate their overall satisfaction with your harassment policies. That survey is then sent off for analysis, only to be touched on at the next company-wide meeting. Although not ideal, these efforts aren’t unrewarded.

Those who strive to understand the intricacies of relationships can often find useful data in a survey. The problem with our typical approach is latency and breadth. A survey distributed once a year cannot be the only truth we cling to. By that time, the details we desire have most likely evaded our employees’ memory. Or, the memories are now so blurred that discussing them seems indefensible.

Months after, sexual harassment reports may seem minute or even unworthy of attention. After all, who can remember the color of the shirt they were wearing six days ago? Or, the exact hallway where the guy from the fourth floor barked at you last fall?

Silence the Barking

The reality is this: our work culture is established every time small and obscene gestures are dismissed. This can range anywhere from a dirty gesture to physical abuse. As the leader of your organization, you mustn’t become accustomed to letting harassment slide. Otherwise, it will become the norm.

You must also consider whether the stress and pain of filing a HR report is even worth your employees’ time. Instead, introduce a system that allows for such instances to be confidentially reported right after the fact.

No more blurred lines.

If not a HR report, then how can you encourage members to speak up if they believe a certain behavior is becoming the gateway to an adverse culture? There has to be a better way than the annual bubble sheet.

Good news… There is!

A 21st Century Solution

You can achieve the similar effects of a bubble sheet within moments following even the smallest of infractions. With the Tribe app, victims of sexual harassment are able to anonymously report the event to a trusted HR representative in just a few minutes. To simply say, “Hey, this happened.” Confidently, employees can share their experiences without making a big fuss, since their name isn’t attached to the complaint.

Now wouldn’t that be information you’d want to get your hands on before your well-intentioned company produces a Larry Nassar?

At Tribe, we believe in a workplace where men and women can peacefully collaborate and achieve unending success. Our app removes distractions by having an open dialogue among coworkers and allows everyone establishes social norms, instead of those brash enough to test its bounds.

Tribe is for every school, workplace and community. With a simple reporting mechanism and business friendly interface, employees and consumers alike can quickly file harassment reports and shed light on the dark corners of your organization.

Join the Revolution

We are in the testing stages of Tribe, expecting to launch publicly this fall. However, you don’t have to wait to get involved! Be one of the first businesses to implement the Tribe app within your community.

Create your business account today, and learn how you can become Tribe Trusted in just a few weeks.